So where was I?
Oh yes.
Writing a blog.
Nearly two weeks ago.
Unfortunately it’s been that long since I hit the giant publish button at sirbacon123.com.
And boy have I really missed it.
Forget reading and arithmetic.
Writing is my favorite of the big three.
I could blame it on a bunch of things.
The holidays.
The kids winter break.
The this.
The that.
And true, all of those things have chipped in.
But the real truth is that for the last few weeks I’ve been living right in the heart of Writer’s Block.
At this very second, there are close to a dozen blogs just sitting on my desktop.
A dozen unfinished blogs.
Unfinished being the key word.
Blogs about my TiVo.
Blogs about Howard Stern.
Blogs about the Dollar Store.
The Vacuum Store.
The game of telephone.
Osama Bin Laden.
Do you see any connections there?
You do?
I don’t.
Right now I have more half-empty thoughts going through my head than Paris Hilton.
And that’s saying something.
As the great philosopher Bruce once said, I’ve got 57 channels.
And nothin’s on.
This is hardly the first time that I haven’t been able to complete a thought.
But it is the first time in a while.
And to be honest, it’s got me a bit freaked out.
After all, I am nothing without my words.
Even if I don’t punctuate them properly.
This little outlet called Sir Bacon has been a paradise for me.
Not always paradise.
But A paradise.
A place to disappear for a while.
A place to release the inner me.
A place to let it all go.
Everybody needs one of those.
For some it’s a bar.
Or a pool hall.
Or a Golden Corral .
For me, it’s my writing.
Better known as The 12 days of Blisslessness.
I could blame it on a lack of time.
But that would be a lie.
I could blame it on a lack of stories.
I guess I could blame it just on.... IT.
After all, IT happens.
And lately IT has been happening to me.
But just 347 words into this here blog, I can feel the blood in my fingers again.
And that’s a good feeling.
My writing is my castle.
And with the new year now here, I’m looking forward to a new beginning.
Another new beginning.
With new stories.
And new readers.
And new words.
Isn’t that why we all make new year’s resolutions?
Well this time my resolution is to start writing again.
Do not fear Bacon lovers.
I still have a lot to say.
I just haven’t been able to say it.
A few days ago I tried writing about a weird dream I had.
A real dream.
Real weird.
I made it to 219 words.
Then stopped.
Then I tried writing about a weird story I heard.
A true story.
About a BIGTIME star athlete.
Who recently got in a plane crash.
But he doesn’t want anyone to know.
So nobody knows.
Except for me.
And the person that told me.
And the person who told him.
But I couldn’t find the right way to seal that story.
Or if that was even the right story to seal.
So I didn’t.
New Year’s Day marked the beginning of the third year of Sir Bacon.
280 blogs so far.
Probably an average of 650 words per blog.
My calculator app just told me that 182,000 words.
Catcher In the Rye has less than half of that.
And it took J.D. Salinger nine years to write that book.
12 days is nothing.
It’s good to be home.
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