It’s that she didn’t have to sit through the 210 minute tragedy called the Grammy Awards on Sunday.
For years we have heard that the music business is dead.
Sunday night we confirmed it.
For three-and-a-half hours we watched an industry disappear in front of our eyes.
It was so bad.
Chris Brown performed.
You know Chris Brown.
The dude who produced Rihanna's biggest hit.
She was also there.
And she sang too... two.
Two songs.
One by herself.
And one with Coldplay.
Now had the Grammy producers brought their A-Game, they would’ve had Brown and Rihanna duet a song.
“I’ve Got You Under My Skin.”
“Hit Me With Your Best Shot.”
“Beat It.”
Anything by The Black Eyed.... Peas.
The possibilities are endless.
And it probably coulda happened.
As unbelievable as this sounds, those two young lovers are rumored to be back together.
I guess she just doesn’t know a bad thing when it hits her.
The hollywood crowd seemed to have forgotten about the past as well.
They stood and applauded Brown like he was Roman Polanski.
But these two were far from the worst part of this show.
The hollywood crowd seemed to have forgotten about the past as well.
They stood and applauded Brown like he was Roman Polanski.
But these two were far from the worst part of this show.
That Grammy Award goes to something called Nicki Minaj.
Ok, I admit that I really enjoy Nicki’s song Super Bass.

I’m ok with weird.
I love Lady Gaga.
But Nicki’s skit was so far out there, I almost started begging for more Chris Brown.
It started with a confessional... and a priest... then a film... about an exorcism... followed by a new song.
About God knows what.
Then there was blue-haired Katy Perry.
She came out to sing her big hit “E.T.”, a song about Mary Hart’s legs.
But midway through the song, the music stopped.
And the mic gave out.
Followed by the lights.
For half a second, it looked like this show was about to get good.
A major league screw up.
On National TV.

As the real Katy appeared above the stage.
To sing another song.
A new song.
About her bitter breakup with actor Russell Brand.
I didn’t see Don Henley in the crowd, but Katy’s lyrics brought plenty of dirty laundry.
“You chew me up and spit me up. You took my life, you drained me down. But that was then and this is now.”
This song was so venomous, Alanis Morissette was blushing.
You remember her.
She was nominated for Best New Artist.
In 1996.
She probably would’ve won if it wasn’t for Hootie.
And his Blowfish.
This year’s top rookie went to something called Bon Iver.
Not Bon Jovi.
Bon Iver.
The guy who accepted the award, presumably Mr. Iver, provided the most uncomfortable moment of the night.
It was clear that this guy doesn’t get out of his parent’s basement much.
And he certainly doesn’t talk in front of crowds much.
And he’s definitely never met anybody named Gucci.
And if he can sing, we wouldn’t know it.
He never got the chance to perform.
Now even with all the lousy moments, there were a few good ones.
Some even great.
Adele deserves every award they gave her.
And 21 more.
She is something special.
Let’s just hope she has another messy breakup before she writes her next album.
I loved Bruno Mars impression of James Brown.
Any night you see Bruce Springsteen is a good night.
And Jennifer Hudson’s tribute to Whitney was brilliant.
And touching.
The Foo Fighters were good... both times they performed.
And Sir Bacon loves Sir Paul McCartney.
But as for the other three hours.
Whether it was the 10-minute tribute to the Beach Boys.
Who haven’t had a #1 hit in the last 24 years.
And didn’t have one for 22 years before that.
Or the 10-minute tribute to Glen Campbell.
Who had a giant hit with Rhinestone Cowboy.
When I was in first grade.
38 years ago.
This was the worst excuse for an awards show since the ESPY’s.
And they had plenty of chances.
They had Carrie Underwood, Kelly Clarkson and Jennifer Hudson in the same room.
How ‘bout they sing a song together?
While Ryan Seacrest is kissing their feet.
Heck, Lady Gaga sat in the crowd, the entire night.
With a net over her face.
She didn’t get any awards.
She didn’t hand out any awards.
And she didn’t perform.
She didn’t even have a costume change.
Not even one.
I must’ve heard a dozen times that this was MUSIC’S BIGGEST NIGHT.
If that’s really true.
Whitney Houston, we have a problem.
RIP sweet voice.
We already miss you.
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