It’s actually more diner than coffee shop.
But when it comes to smothered breakfast burritos, there is none better.
At least there was none better.
Six years ago.
The last time I went.
Nothing against the food, but something much bigger than the burrito has made me stay away.
No, not Jenny Craig.
Something much more divine.
I didn’t notice it the first time I went.
Or maybe the second.
But eventually I picked up that this place was more Jerry Falwell than Jerry’s Deli.
More Robert Schuller than Bob Evans.
Every waiter was wearing a tie.
A tie with a bunch of crosses on it.
The pictures were not pictures.
They were pictures of scriptures.
And the music was not songs of Faith Hill.
Just songs of faith.
Hey I’ve got nothing against faith.
Or Faith Hill.
Nothing against scriptures.
And I certainly have nothing against smothered breakfast burritos.
But from my side of the tracks, there’s just no mixing church and steak.
And when I finally picked up that this was more a worship house than a Waffle House, I had to pull the plug.
As painful as that was.
Hey I’m a big believer in religion.
Whatever religion.
If it works for you.
For me, not so much.
Oh, I believe in God.
And I believe in believing.
But this organized religion stuff just isn’t for me.
Not in schools.
Not in politics.
And definitely not in restaurants.
Maybe that’s why this Chick-fil-A controversy has really made me sick to my stomach.
If you’ve been hiding for the last few weeks, let me get you caught up.
Dan Cathy is the President of Chick-fil-A.
Chick-fil-A is a fast-food chain.
A Christian-based fast-food chain.
So Christian, they close on Sundays.
So Christian, Cathy recently did an interview with some newspaper called the Biblical Recorder.
In that interview the subject of marriage came up.
More specifically, gay marriage.
And Cathy said this:
“We are very much supportive of the family — the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that.”
“We intend to stay the course. We know that it might not be popular with everyone, but thank the Lord, we live in a country where we can share our values and operate on biblical principles.”
That interview came two weeks after he said this on a radio show about the same subject:
"I think we are inviting God's judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at Him and say, 'We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage. I pray God's mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude to think that we have the audacity to define what marriage is about."
Now whether you believe what Cathy is saying or not.
And I definitely do not.
That’s not the issue.
The issue is that instead of asking me if I want fries with that.
He is telling me how other people should live their lives.
He is telling me... and you... that no matter what makes you happy, if you are not playing by his rules, you can’t play.
Not to mention that Chick-fil-a has donated millions of dollars to anti-gay organizations, who shockingly oppose same-sex marriage.
Organizations, "whose primary focus is to dehumanize LGPT people and to pass laws that treat us as second-class citizens."
This according to "Equality Florida", an advocacy group for the gay community in ... Florida.
Ok... here’s the deal.
Not to mention that Chick-fil-a has donated millions of dollars to anti-gay organizations, who shockingly oppose same-sex marriage.
Organizations, "whose primary focus is to dehumanize LGPT people and to pass laws that treat us as second-class citizens."
This according to "Equality Florida", an advocacy group for the gay community in ... Florida.
Ok... here’s the deal.
Does Cathy have the right to say what he said?
The same way I have the right to get my fried chicken at KFC.
Or Popeye’s.
Or Church’s.
Uh... bad example.
I’ve been to Chick-Fil-A before.
Many times before.
But I won’t be going again.
I swear.
No matter how spicy that Spicy Chicken Deluxe Sandwich is.
Or how waffly those Waffle Fries are.
I don’t care how many times you deep fry my nuggets.
I’m not going.
I’m sure the fact that I disagree with what Cathy said has helped me reach this decision.
But the bottom line is there’s a time and a place for everything.
And everyone.
And the drive-thru window is no place to be handed a copy of the old testament.
Or the new one either.
1 comment:
Like you I have eaten my last meal at CFA until they change this policy and since I doubt they will - I won't change my stance.
As you said - they have a right to run their business how they want - just like I have that same right to take my business elsewhere. The way I see it - they need ME more than I need THEM! I have more dining options than they have customers.
For the record their stance shouldn't have been a secret to anyone who has read up about this company. But it's one thing to be a racist or similar - it's quite the other to say it. Hating someone of a certain race/sex/religion/etc is dumb - but keeping those thoughts to yourself is betetr than coming out and saying how you hate someone of a certain race/sex/religion/etc
What that blowhard Mike Huckabee organized the other day was legit in wanting people to show their support for CFA - but Mike Huckabee is one of the scariest people EVER who has run for Prez/USA. If this guy ever got elected (He has no "Prayer" of being elected - pun intended) we are truly bad off.
Anyone else find it somewhat "karmic" that a High Ranking CFA Mgmt person died a few days after all this happened? We know he didn't die of a Heart Attack because CFA Mgmt has shown they have NO HEART!
To me religion is the biggest Ponzo Scheme out there - taking money from those who can least afford it with promises of unattaniable riches down the line. CFA needs to look in the mirror before doing stuff like this.
The sooner CFA realizes we are in the 21st Century and not the 2nd or 1st Century the better off we -a nd they - will all be.
Wonder how a CFA Mgmt person would react if they ever needed something like Open Heart surgery and found out ahead of time the doctor or nurses doing the surgery were Gay. Would they still want the surgery done or would they just choose to die? I think we know the answer. Hypocrisy is far worse than any stance someone can take - and for CFA - they REEL of Hypocrisy.
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