Sunday, May 1, 2011

Blogging Through Washington

For the next week life is taking me back in time.
About a million years back.
When I was in 8th grade, I went on a field trip to Washington DC.
A long field trip.
From San Diego to our nation's capital.
It was a pretty big deal.

A trip I still clearly remember 31 years later.

Well I’m not in school anymore.
But my daughter is.
This week she’s taking a tour of the east coast with her class.
And I’m one of the lucky parents who gets to go along for the ride.
I’m not sure exactly where this tour will take us.
And I’m even less sure where this blog will take us.
Most of my entries will be shorter than usual, but hopefully there will be more of them.
Picture Twitter on Steroids.
So put on your seat belt and enjoy the ride.

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